Godless John

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Ventre Studio, Canal Brasil, Coral Europa and TVI are co-producing one of the first independent international co-production series in Brazil and Portugal. Directed by Marina Person (´California´) and with the iconic actor Marco Nanini in the role of João de Deus, the work has a stellar cast: Bianca Comparato (from the Netflix series ‘3%’), Karine Teles (´The Second Mother’), Antonio Saboia (´Bacurau´) and two Portuguese actresses: Ana Sofia
Martins and Dalila Carmo.

“From the beginning of the development of the series at Ventre Studio, we thought about the importance of the international dimension of this story. In fiction, such a powerful tool for discussing reality, the foreign perspective is given through Portuguese characters. With the partnership of Canal Brasil, Coral Europa and TVI, we are carrying out one of the first international co-productions for independent series in the country, an increasingly common practice in European and North American territories. The series thus becomes a pioneer, both in the form and scope of its content, and in the innovative structuring of the business”, says Paula Cosenza, producer and one of the partners at Ventre Studio.

The fictional series, inspired by real events, tells the story of two sisters who arrived in Abadiânia 17 years before João de Deus’ arrest. One of them is traumatized by the abuse and violations she faced, while the other becomes a faithful employee of the medium, claiming that she experienced the miracle of her sister’s healing. The plot unfolds during the reunion of the two sisters, which culminates in a surprising plot twist.

“Very happy with this joint project between Canal Brasil and TVI, Coral and Ventre Studio. Co-production is a model worked around the world and establishing this partnership to take Brazilian content beyond our country, reaching an even larger audience, meets all of our objectives” says André Saddy, Director of Canal Brasil.

“The three protagonists in our series represent the real women who started the scandal: Carmem represents faith in the healing powers of João de Deus, Cecília represents the victims of abuse and Ariane (Carmem’s daughter) plays the role of a girl who only realizes that she was abused after other women spoke”, comments director Marina Person.

“This first co-production with Brazil is a source of pride for the entire Coral team. We are clearly investing in the path of internationalization and we found in TVI, Ventre Studio and Canal Brasil the ideal partners to realize this miniseries about such a current, impactful and socially relevant story”, says Bruno Santos, General Director of Coral Europa.

The production has a peculiarity which is the predominance of women in the team, especially in leadership positions, in which the main creative and executive decisions are taken by women. The project is also supported by ‘Bem Querer Mulher’, an initiative that provides comprehensive support to women who suffer violence in Brazil, for sensitive reading of scripts and in-person support on set during the filming of the most delicate scenes.

“The invitation to participate in ‘Godless John’ immersed me in the story that inspires the series. It will certainly be a challenge to play this character. We have an excellent script, a very talented director and a group of actors that I admire. I’m excited”, revealed actor Marco Nanini.

“TVI is very happy to be a partner in this co-production that fictionalizes a story with global impact and that will have two Portuguese actresses in the cast. We are anxious and expectant about the start of recording and we are certain that it will be a great project”, says Cristina Ferreira, Director of Fiction and Entertainment at TVI.

The series has daily recording in Portugal, in addition to filming in Brazil and the set was fully supported by ‘Cinema Verde’. This is an initiative that aims to reduce the environmental impact caused by audiovisual productions. International sales are led by Onza Distribution.





12 de May de 2022

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