The plot tells the story of Maia and Caetano, a couple who have been living together for a year and “need” to sign a domestic partnership document. Maia, driven mad by the specter of monogamy, reveals during a game with friends her desire for each of them to have a “hall pass,” a hypothetical person they can be with for one night without it being considered cheating. Maia and Caetano then choose potential people, unaware that this could become a reality.
Directed by Luís Pinheiro (‘September Mornings’, ‘Vale Night’), ‘O Combinado Não Sai Caro’ is a co-production between Ventre Studio and Star Original Production, starring Felipe Frazão (Caetano) and Lara Tremouroux (Maia). The film also features Bárbara Paz, Juliana Didone, Rejane Faria, Christian Malheiros, Emílio de Mello, and Isabela Mariotto. The screenplay is by Carla Meirelles and Julia Vellutini, with collaboration from Rafael Lessa.
9 de May de 2022