Iemanjá – Deusa do Oceano

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Warner Bros. Pictures and Ventre Studio announce the project of the independent national production Iemanjá – Goddess of the Ocean. Co-created with Carlos Saldanha (“Invisible City” and franchises such as “Ice Age” and “Rio”), the feature film will transport elements of Candomblé into the superhero universe.

Iemanjá – Goddess of the Ocean tells the story of Iemanjá, an orixá worshipped by Brazilians and also known as the Queen of the Sea. With Ogum, the God of War, as her mentor, Iemanjá tries to understand her powers while facing Iansã, an orixá revered as the Goddess of Storms.


READ THE ARTICLES: Variety; Omelete; O Globo; Cultura Uol 


24 de February de 2022

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